Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Little More Game Time...

Well, I woke up this morning to find out that my unemployment check wasn't deposited into my bank yesterday as it should have been (not really a big surprise considering the state's recent record of inoperable websites, or phonelines with which to file) and I called their toll-free number to find out what was going on... and was put on hold for close to an hour-and-a-half (more inefficiency). While I was on hold, I put in a bit of time in the STO beta. I did get a few quests finished, and it didn't seem to be running as glitchy as it was yesterday. I actually got to team up with another player on one quest, not that it was much,since it was only an escort quest, and there were very few enemy ships to blast. I also went up against the Orion Syndicate, and took out a few of their drydocks. I'm still getting used to the controls, and have no idea how to use the equipment I salvage, but I'm having fun. I gave the extra beta key I got from FilePlanet (I had the one from Gamestop, so didn't need two) to my friend Dave, along with my fileplanet account info so he could use the fast downloader, and maybe I'll get to play some with him tonight or tomorrow. So far, I'm only able to play federation, or I haven't figured out how to create a Klingon character on the beta server. Maybe it's just certain keys only allow you to play certain factions. :shrug: Either way, it's still fun, and I plan on doing more exploration tonight :)

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