Thursday, February 18, 2010


Today proved interesting enough at school when the school fire alarm malfunctioned and sent everybody, students and staff alike, into a panic. It was about 11am, and Mr. DeSanti had just let our Business Finance class out for a 10 minute break before resuming the review for Tuesday's test. All of a sudden, there wasa deafening shriek and a sequence of a few loud beeps that reverberated throughout the building. People stopped what they were doing, wondering if it was a drill, an actual fire, or if the building had suddenly gone into self-destruct mode. A few of the staff were in the hall telling people that it was just a malfunction, and it would be fixed shortly. After about 10 minutes of the shrieking and beeping causing temporary hearing loss in a lot of individuals, the excitement was over, and life returned to normal at EBC.

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