Monday, February 15, 2010

Closed To Reason

Nothing in the world irritates me more than a closed-minded individual. These people see their way of thinking as the only RIGHT way of thinking, and refuse to open up to new ideas, or the possibility that, Heaven forbid, they just MIGHT be wrong about something. I encounter people like this every day in school, on the street, on line, or even while playing someof my favorite games. They'll get into a "discussion" with you about what they believe, and why you should see, think, do, etc. things the way that they do, but will not budge if you provide a counterpoint to their egocentric ways of thinking. If you even DARE to try to prove them wrong, or hint that their reasoning is faulty, they'll often go ballistic, and either start screaming at you, calling you a liar, or just close up altogether, and refuse to listen anymore (of course you're wrong, so they don't have to listen to a word that you say, anyway). Some of the most closed-minded people that I have encountered in life are the "devoutly" religious people who see everything in either black or white, with not a shade of grey in between. They go through life with their blinders on, so focused on their own beliefs, and what is being fed to them, that no other possible viewpoint will be accepted, no matter what real value those viewpoints hold. My mother, bless her soul, is one of these people. Don't get me wrong, because I do love her dearly, but I try very hard to avoid any discussion regarding politics or religion with her, because I know that, no matter how I try to point out her often faulty reasoning, she will stand her ground and tell me how wrong I am. I also have encountered people that I had considered to be friends in other forums as well. These people had developed the mindset that what they wanted was exactly what everyone else wanted, and when they were confronted about it, and told "this is NOT what everyone wants, and therefore, you are NOT meeting the desires and needs of everyone else." they immediately went on the defensive, calling those who opposed their thinking liars and "disruptive influences" and immediately silenced them and their ideas by excommunication (ie. blocking access to any forum that THEY controlled, etc. just to prevent the disease of "wrong-thinking" from spreading to anyone else.) They didn't stop there, either. To further cement their beliefs, and maintain their "control" over people, they fabricated lies about those who opposed them, and proceded to turn others against the opposition. This is where closed-mindedness begins to become dangerous.
Closed-minded individuals often develop extreme prejudices toward certain races, ethnic groups, religions, and other ways of life. Infamous people that come to mind are Adolf Hitler (lets exterminate the Jews, their sypathisers and anyone else that doesn't match my ideals of 'perfection') and- more recently- the Reverend Fred Phelps and his flock of sheep, er followers, from the Westboro Baptist Church (whose hatred is broader and often more violent (let's protest gays, gay rights, blacks, democrats, islam, or -insert other things that 'God hates' here.) People like this are dangerous, and make me wary of poking my head outside my door lest they find something that I believe in wrong or "evil" and violently beat or kill me for.
Unfortunately, closed-minded people can rarely be persuaded to change their ways of thinking, and must be tolerated. As for myself, I prefer to keep my mind open to new ideas and possibilities. In my opinion, that's the only way to grow intellectually as a person. Like the saying goes, "A mind is like a parachute, it functions best when open."


  1. You brought up the loons at Westboro at in Topeka, and I just want to say he needs to thank the very people he protests against.

    Every time a Soldier dies, he says that God is judging America and stuff of the sort. They say my fellow service members are dying because of gays and that America was punished on 9/11 because of gays and what have not.

    It is because of the very people they picket against, mock, and make fun of that they are able to picket to begin with and express their religious freedoms here in the United States of America.

    Those types of people just need to have their heads checked and rearranged, period.


  2. There were a few other people that were more subtly targeted, if you caught it at all.

  3. LOng reply ensues, lol:

    I think that on some level we are all as you described. I know several atheists who will present me with what they see as "proof" of the faultiness of my belief in God. I "stand my ground" knowing I cannot prove my side because the dividing line is faith...which they don't have. I will not be swayed no matter what so I fit the mold you mention in some ways. I know I'm it were...and won't budge. I know equally that they are wrong...and I won't budge. I know that this is true for all of us on some front or on some topic. It is the marker of free will that we are all able to hold fast to our beliefs for good or ill regardless of the opposition. Of course we all need to exercise some good old fashioned common sense but that too can be open to interpretation depending on what who you're talking to and the subject at hand.

    That being said, I absolutely fall into the category that it is very hurtful and lacking a merciful and loving attitude on anyone's part to the death of soldiers as ammunition in the voicing of one's opinion on the war. There are better ways of going about that in my opinion. GOd loves those fallen men and women and it is totally disrespectful of their families. I wholeheartedly disagree with how that is handled by those in Westboro. They enjoy the right to speak as freely as they do because of the sacrifices of our brave service men and women from the founding of this country until now. I would hope they would remember that at some point. There are much better and less hurtful ways for them to go about fighting against what they believe is wrong. I fully support their right and freedom to speak out even if I do not have any appreciation for the manner in which they are currently exercising that right. The freedom of speech must apply equally to all or it is not a true freedom. I would state emphatically however that with great freedoms comes greater responsibility in how one uses them.

    Yes, I got your more subtle implications as well and that is a horse that has been dead and beaten for a long time ago. It comes down to accepting that if a person or group of people feel strongly in what they are doing and how they are doing it and I do not...I can simply walk away. I don't have to agree and...after making my case...they are not obligated to agree with me. Depending on what the topic is and how severe an issue it is in the larger scheme of things I can simply remove myself from the group or situation whose structure or actions are not in line with my own. It's REALLY hard not to be angry sometimes when you've beaten your head against the wall until it's bloody...especially if you love the people and group and want so much to see things find what you believe is more balanced. But...they are well within their right to not agree even if I think they are wrong for at least not considering what I have to say. It is more painful on a personal level when it involves a group and people you love because separating yourself from them for the sake of all is hard. When that happens I feel the empty space that they once filled for a while and I mourn the loss greatly. The trick is to not allow myself to fill that initial emptiness with things like self-righteousness, anger, false pride at being "the martyr" and all that jazz. If I chose to walk away I must do so while still loving these group and the people in it and wanting nothing but the best for them. I must make sure that I through any negative feeling at the foot of the Cross and not allow pettiness and the other negative emotions I mentioned above to linger in my heart. Grudge holding is a poison that eats away at one's heart and is an ugly...and effective...tool Satan uses against us but only if we ourselves allow it.

    Sorry for the long winded reply, ROFL.


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