Well, at least that seems to be the modus operandi of certain people, especially where censorship runs rampant. They are quick with the censorship button, and don't even bother to check the true content of a statement or thought before invoking their censorship. In their defense, they claim that the censorship is there to "protect" certain people that may be offended by certain things,
but when that censorship starts to get out of hand, it only serves to destabilize things further, and endanger those who it is supposed to protect. Let's say for example, the use of the word "gay". In itself, it's not a bad word, but used in the wrong context, can be very destructive. Therefore, a rule is set in place that improper use of the word is prohibited. The rule works fine for a while, but then it happens. Every time the word "gay" is uttered, people get immediately censored without warning, REGARDLESS of the context in which it was used. Then other words or phrases feel the sting of said censorship, because Clyde or Maxine decide that these new words or phrases are offensive, and the ball starts rolling faster,
and snowballing until the list is so extensive that the very right to free speech is threatened, and everybody is afraid to say anything for fear of feeling the sting of the censorship. Those that speak out against it are, of course, blackballed because they are seen as threats to those in power. The opposition is quickly and quietly silenced and disposed of, possibly even lied about in order to keep the rest of the sheeple in line, and ignorant bliss goes on. Perhaps it's time for those who have been censored to stand up for their rights and expose the censors for who they are. Feel free to excercise free speech. After all, this is America, and it is your right.