OK, I promised a post, and will try to keep up with this a bit more. Things are still hellishly hectic at work, with no end in sight for the mandatory overtime. Other than work, however, it's been a pretty good year. I gave up on playing World of Warcraft early on in the year because it got a little too expensive to maintain an account, and the game was getting redundant and boring again. I decided to pick up again with Diablo 3 again after five years, and have been playing it quite regularly, to the point where I'm starting to get a bit better at playing it. I'm finally getting higher levels on my current seasonal character, and he's becoming quite kickass.

Thanksgiving was great. My cousin Laurie came down for a couple of days, and brought my sister, Melanie and my grand-niece Lena with her. The family dinner was on Wednesday night, and Laurie made everything. Kat and I were late, thanks to my job not letting me reschedule my shift or letting me leave earlier than 5pm. Regardless, it was a great time, and we had a good time with family catching up on memories, and - thanks to my mom, I acquired a new nickname of "Mudpie".
Now, we're in December, and all the presents (save for a few last

minute ones) are already bought and ready to be wrapped. We're doing a secret Santa gift exchange with my co-workers on the 20th. I got the gifts I ordered for my secret Santa partner ordered and should be arriving soon. Also got a few small things to give out to everyone. I have some pretty awesome co-workers. Without some of them, I think I'd probably be in an insane asylum by now. Well, that's about it for this post. I know, it's short, and it's boring. I will try to do better in my next post. I'm just a bit exhausted tonight to post more.