Well, it has been a while since I posted last. School, for the most part, has kept me busy, but with finals out of the way (I think I may have been lucky enough to have squeaked by with a 4.0 again this term), and 12 days of break until the spring/summer term begins, I have a little bit of time to play catch up. Hopefully, I won't be too "unbusy" though. I do have an interview set up with the local girls' grouphome for an off-campus work-study position (not sure what the job will be yet, but I'm pretty optimistic) and if that falls through, I'm looking at other options. The next couple of semesters won't be so busy, as I only have three classes this next semester, and most likely only two in my final semester.
Since the weather is getting warmer, I plan on trying to get back in shape a little, and riding my new bicycle when I can. I got it with some of my income tax refund a couple of weeks ago, and thus far have only taken it out once (on one of the nice warm days that it wasn't raining) and returned home with a sore butt and slightly out of breath.

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